Wuth MF, Cardenas G, Molero T, Silva F, Game V, Dieguez F, Gajardo J, Devaud M, Hoefler S, Butte JM, Charles R. Cancer de colon etapa III. Evaluación de la sobrevida global y determinación de factores pronósticos asociados. Congreso Chileno de Cirujanos, La Serena, 2016.
Gajardo J, Lopez R, Rigo Righi D, Schmied S, Mahave M, Molero A, Wuth M, Cardenas G, Hoefler S, Devaud N, Charles R, Butte JM. Resultados iniciales de la resección peritoneal óptima (RPO) asociado a quimioterapia hipertérmica (HIPEC). Congreso Chileno de Cirujanos, La Serena, 2016.
Cardenas G, Wuth MF, Morles R, Gajardo J, Dieguez F, Game V, Charles R, Hoefler S, Butte JM, Devaud N. Resultados de la pancreatoduodenectomia en la FALP: Analisis de una serie prospectiva entre los años 2013 y 2016. Congreso Chileno de Cirujanos, La Serena, 2016.
Edwards J, Bressan A, Grondin S, Datta I, Dixon E, Cleary S, Barkun J, Butte JM, Ball C. Hepatopancreatobiliary surgery in Canada: Workforce and wait times. SSAT Annual meeting, Chicago, May 2014.
Edwards J, Bressan A, Grondin S, Datta I, Dixon E, Cleary S, Barkun J, Butte JM, Ball C. Hepatopancreatobiliary surgery in Canada: Workforce and wait times. Pancreas Club Annual meeting, Chicago, May 2014.
Butte JM, Grendar J, Bathe O, Sutherland F, Ball C, Dixon E. What is the current role of perihepatic drain placement in liver surgery?.
A prospective analysis. Annual Meeting of the Americas Hepatopancreatobiliary Association, Miami, March 2014.
Tan MC, Butte JM, Gonen M, Kemeny N, Fong Y, Allen PJ, Kingham TP, Dematteo RP, Jarnagin WR, D'Angelica MI. Prognostic significance of early recurrence: a conditional survival analysis in patients with resected colorectal liver metastasis.
Redondo F, Butte JM, Lavados H, Pruzzo R, De La Fuente H, Amaral H. 18-FDG PET/CT performance and prognostic value in patients with incidental gallbladder carcinoma. Annual Meeting of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Miami Beach, June 2012.
Butte JM. Regional Differences in Gallbladder Cancer Pathogenesis: Insights from a Comparison of Cell Cycle Regulatory, PI3K and Pro-Angiogenic Protein Expression. Kenneth Warren Foundation Fellowship presentation. Annual Meeting of the International Hepatopancreatobiliary Association, Paris, France, July 2012.
Butte JM, Gönen M, D’Angelica M, Allen P, Kingham T, Fong Y, DeMatteo R, Jarnagin R. Residual disease predicts outcome after definitive resection for incidental gallbladder cancer. Annual Meeting of the Americas Hepatopancreatobiliary Association, Miami, March 2012.
Smith JD, Butte JM, Weiser M, D'Angelica M, Temple L, Paty P, Guillem J, Nash G. Anastomotic Leak following Low Anterior Resection in Stage VI Rectal Cancer is Associated with Poor Survival. Annual Meeting of the American College of Surgeons, San Francisco, October 2011.
Butte JM, Gönen M, Allen P, D’Angelica M, Fong Y, DeMatteo R, Blumgart L, Jarnagin W. The role of laparoscopic restaging in patients with incidental gallbladder cancer. Annual Meeting of the Americas Hepatopancreatobiliary Association, Miami, March 2011.
Butte JM, Gonen M, Ding P, Goodman K, Wong WD, Jarnagin W, Weiser M, D’Angelica M. Patterns of failure in patients with resectable synchronous liver metastases from rectal cancer (SLMRC): An analysis of the outcomes with and without pelvic radiotherapy. Annual Gastrointestinal Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, San Francisco, January 2011.
Butte JM, Tang P, Gonen M, Shia J, Schattner M, Nash G, Temple L, Guillem J, Paty P, Wong W, Weiser M. Rate of residual disease after complete endoscopic resection of malignant colonic polyp. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, Vancouver, May 2011.
Maker AV, Oxenberg J, Butte JM, Kuk D, Gonen M, Fong Y, Dematteo RP, D’Angelica MI, Allen P, Jarnagin WR. When to Excise Laparoscopic Port Sites in the Surgical Management of Gallbladder Cancer. 64th annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology, San Antonio, March 2008, March 2011.
Rocha F, Torres J, Butte JM, DeMatteo R, Fong Y, D’Angelica M, Allen P, Klimstra D, Jarnagin W. Ceacam6 expression in gallbladder carcinoma. Annual Meeting of the Americas Hepatopancreatobiliary Association, Miami, March 2011.
Do K, Butte JM, Shia J, Jarnagin W, Schwartz L. Imaging Patterns of Fat-containing and Fat-poor Hepatic Angiomyolipomas. 96th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, November 2010.
Kerrigan N, Butte JM, Carmona L, Mahave M, Meneses M, Parada H, Soto G, Salman P, Waugh E, De La Fuente H. morbi-mortalidad quirúrgica de pacientes con cáncer de recto inferior localmente avanzado tratados con radioquimioterapia preoperatoria. LXXXIII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2010.
Kerrigan N, Butte JM, Carmona L, Mahave M, Meneses M, Parada H, Soto G, Salman P, Waugh E, De La Fuente H. Respuesta patológica tumoral en cáncer de recto localmente avanzado tratado con radioquimioterapia preoperatoria. LXXXIII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2010.
Butte JM, Waugh E, Meneses M, Parada H, De La Fuente H. Surgical Finding And Survival In Patients With Incidental Gallbladder Cancer. 62nd Annual Cancer Symposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Chicago, March 2009.
Butte JM, Redondo F, Waugh E, Meneses M, Pruzzo R, Parada H, Amaral H, De La Fuente H. The role of PET-CT in patients with incidental gallbladder cancer. Annual Meeting of the AHPBA, Miami, March, 2009.
Butte JM, Waugh E, Meneses M, Parada H, De la Fuente H. Evaluation of surgical treatment for pT2 gallbladder cancer in Chile. 61st annual Cancer Simposium of the Society of Surgical Oncology, Chicago, March 2008.
Butte JM, Waugh E., Meneses M., Court I., Parada H., De La Fuente H. pT2 Gallbladder cancer. Evaluation of the surgical results and long-term survival. LXXXI Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2008.
Butte JM, Visscher A, Becker F, Waugh E, Meneses M, Kerrigan N, Parada H, De La Fuente H. Extended gastrectomy in gastric cancer. Evaluation of early results. LXXXI Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2008.
Butte JM, Becker F, Visscher A, Waugh E, Meneses M, Court I, Parada H, De La Fuente H. Adenocarcinoma of the gastroesophageal junction. Prognostic factors in long-term survival. LXXXI Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2008.
Butte JM, Becker F, Visscher A, Waugh E, Meneses M, Parada H, De La Fuente H. Postoperative complications in gastric cancer and their influence in long-term survival. LXXXI Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2008.
Guerra JF, Norero E, Martínez J, Pinedo G, Butte JM, Ibañez L, Jarufe N. Simultaneous Resection Of Colorectal Tumors And Liver Metastases. 7th Annual Meeting, American hepatopancreatobiliary Association. Las Vegas, Nevada, 2007.
Donoso A., Funke R, Guerra JF, Butte JM, Jarufe N, Duarte I., Llanos O. Endocrine tumours of the pancreas. Results of the surgical treatment LXXX Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2007.
García-Huidobro MA, Butte JM., Torres J, Salinas M, Duarte I, Pinedo G, Zúñiga A, Llanos O. Appendiceal Carcinoid. Long-term survival. LXXIX Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2006.
Butte JM., Torres J, Salinas M, Duarte I, Pinedo G, Zúñiga A, Llanos O. Appendiceal Tumors. LXXIX Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2006.
Butte JM, León F, van Sint Jan N, Hevia C, Crovari F, Ibáñez L, Martínez J, Llanos O. Long term results of inguinal hernia repair with prolene hernia system technique. LXXIX Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2006.
Butte JM., Tapia G, Salinas M., Montaldo D, Martínez J, Ibáñez L, Jarufe N. Complications after cholecystectomy in cirrhotic patients. LXXIX Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2006.
Norero E, Butte JM, Norero B, Jarufe N, Martínez J, Duarte I, Pinedo G, López F. Ibáñez L, Zúñiga A, Guzmán S. Anatomic vs. Nonanatomic resection in colorectal liver metastases. LXXIX Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2006.
Norero E, Butte JM, Norero B, Jarufe N, Martínez J, Duarte I, Pinedo G, López F, Ibáñez L, Zúñiga A, Guzmán S. Surgical treatment of colorectal liver metastases. LXXIX Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2006.
Iñiguez A, Butte JM, Zúñiga JM, Torres J, Llanos O. Splenic Abscess. LXXIX Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2006.
Concha M, Mertz V, González K, Heider R, Dagnino J, Butte JM, Pinedo G, López F. Determinación de los requerimientos de volumen durante cirugía colorectal laparoscópica. XXXIV Chilean and International Anesthesiology Congress 2006.
Concha M, Mertz V, González K, Dagnino J, Heider R, Butte JM, López F, Pinedo G, Zúñiga A. Aporte de volumen durante cirugía colorectal abierta: Comparación del aporte guiado por ecocardiografía transesofágica v/s parámetros clínicos habituales. XXXIV Chilean and International Anesthesiology Congress 2006.
Concha M, Mertz V, Cortinez I, González K, Butte JM. Comparación de la medición de débito cardíaco realizado por ecocardiografía transesofágica y análisis de la curva arterial. XXXIV Chilean and International Anesthesiology Congress 2006.
Butte JM., Bellolio F., Vucetich N., Jarufe N., Guzmán S., Zúñiga A., González R. Surgical treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma: Evaluation of early and long-term results. LXXVIII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2005.
Mangelsdorff G., Butte JM., Ramos G., Guzmán S., Ibáñez L., Llanos O. Esophageal perforations. Medical and surgical treatment. LXXVIII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2005.
Butte JM., Millard F., Cabrera R., Torres J., Jarufe N., Ibáñez L., Duarte I., Zúñiga A., Guzmán S., Llanos O. Distal pancreatectomy. Indications and early results. LXXVIII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2005. (published)
Butte JM., Cabrera R., Millard F., Torres J., Jarufe N., Zúñiga A., Crovari F., Pérez G., Ibáñez L., Guzmán S., Duarte I., Llanos O. Pancreatoduodenectomy: Indications and long-term survival. LXXVIII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2005.
Butte JM., Iñiguez A., Muñoz R., Crovari F., Ibáñez L., Torres J., Llanos O. Negative Appendectomy. A Case-control study. LXXVIII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2005.
Butte JM., Zúñiga A, Saint Jean A., Pérez G., Ibañez L., Crovari F, et al. Early results of inguinal hernia repair with prolene hernia system technique. LXXVII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Briceño E., Escalona A., Jarufe N., Pérez G., Llanos O., et al. Early and late results of cholangioyeyunoanastomosis in benign disease. LXXVII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Cabrera R., Méndez G., Llanos O. Gastric stromal tumours. LXXVII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Bellolio F., Fernández F., Jarufe N., Bergoing M., López F, et al. Long-term survival of patients with colorectal liver metastases. LXXVII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Crovari F., Duarte I., Guzmán S., Llanos O. Gastric cancer in patients older than 75 years. Surgical treatment and long-term survival. LXXVII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Jarufe N., Ibáñez L., Besa P., Bustos M., Crovari F., Álvarez M., et al. Surgery plus chemoradiation vs. Surgery alone in gastric cancer. A case-control study. LXXVII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Cabrera R., Pedemonte J., Crovari F., Duarte I., Guzmán S., Llanos O. Prognostic factor and long-term survival in early gastric cancer. LXXVII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Tapia G., Oyarzún A., Bellolio F., Escalona A., Duarte I., Crovari F., et al. Laparoscopic appendectomy. Catholic University experience. LXXVII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Tapia G., Oyarzún A., Iñiguez A., Bellolio F., Et al Surgical results of laparoscopic appendectomy. XVII Annual meeting for resident of surgery, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Cifuentes A., Escalona A., Pimentel F., Pérez G., Guzmán S. Et al Early surgical results of laparoscopic Heller myotomy in esophageal achalasia. XVII Annual meeting for resident of surgery, Chile 2004.
Butte JM., Crovari F., Silva I., Rosso R., Duarte I., Guzmán S., Llanos O. Gastric cancer in younger than 45 years-old. LXXVI Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2003.
Butte JM., Norero E., Duarte I., Llanos O. Cyst tumours of pancreas. LXXVI Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2003.
Butte JM., Bellolio F., Báez S., Kusanovic R., Viñuela E., et al. Appendectomies for suspected acute appendicitis during pregnancy. Experience at a Chilean public hospital. LXXVI Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2003.
Butte JM., Torres E., Valencia I., González S., Reveco M., Llanos O Retroperitoneal liposarcoma. A clinical experience. LXXV Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2002.
Soto S., Kushel C., Apablaza J., Bergeret J., Gac P., Butte JM., González P. Atrial pacemaker. Valdivia’s hospital experience. XV Annual meeting for resident of surgery, Chile 2002.
Avendaño R., Kuschel C., Butte JM., Hornig F., Soto S. Cystic-jejunal anastomosis as treatment of liver hydatic cyst. LXXIII Chilean and International Surgery Congress, Chile 2000.
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